Friday, June 3, 2011

Greetings all!  Ok - I know - I'm way overdue for a post here.  No, I didn't fall into a black hole or get lost in another dimension (well... I definitely didn't fall into a black hole!)  I've been on a bit of travel and just busy living life - at least life as our culture defines it.  My wife and I finally got to take a trip to IHOP-KC in Kansas City Missouri. Before you ask, no we didn't travel all that way for pancakes.  We visited the International House of Prayer - a place where prayer and worship has been going continuously 24-7-365 for over 12 years - a place that we share much spiritual DNA with. 

Anyway, it was a fantastic trip and it really stirred some things in my spirit.  So one of the things I did since getting back was to start doing some reading - you know - that pile of books that keeps growing while you keep saying "yea, I gotta read that one"?  One of the books I read was called "The Finisher".  Sounds like the title for some kind of weapons-a-blazing blood and guts action story.  But its not (I don't really care for that genre.)  Its really a book about walking with the One who created the universe and put all the stars that we look at in their place. (See, there is a tie in to astronomy ;-)  So below is a little review for it that I posted on Amazon -- check it out...
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I just finished reading "The Finisher" by Jan Kinne Conway. I must say, it has been some time since a book has been this impactful. My wife (the love of my life after Jesus) met Jan at a YWAM University of the Nations / Kona Writer's Workshop last year and brought home a copy of the book. At her suggestion, I picked the book up and started reading. Not being able to put it down, I finished it in one sitting. This gem of a book was just the tipping point I needed! Our Jesus adventure has been in low gear in recent years, but I know that's all about to change! It's so easy to get caught up in the grind of daily life as defined by our culture. You know the deal - big house, nice cars, etc, etc. Somehow, no matter how much of the so called American Dream that we attain, it just never feels enough - never fulfilling. But this couple took the chance and jumped into real life with both feet. Thru it, they learned and held on to what we had just started to learn - and subsequently forgot; that life is truly found not in the accumulation of things, but in the pouring out of yourself into others. 

The book is very well written and easy to digest. It's easy to see yourself in the midst of Jan and her husband's life events as though witnessing the various adventures. There is a flow and an underlying message that are smoothly woven throughout. I won't reveal any details of the second half, but suffice it to say that after hitting midpoint and reading about the woman in Albania who knew there was a Creator but didn't know His name, I lost it - the rest of the book was read thru tears. What an amazing life story they lived. The most amazing thing is that like many others who have taken that first step, they didn't have to be super-saints who were perfect in order for God to use them in the Kingdom. They just made themselves available and trusted God. 

I can tell you, the American Dream in reality is an empty falsehood at best and a nightmare at worst. Isn't it time you listened to that small voice of the Spirit within and learned what life is really all about? This book will show you how and will encourage you to step into the life that God has for each one of us who will say "here I am - send me". He will -- and you'll find riches everlasting. If you love the Lord, are over 40, and believe there's more to real living, I challenge you to invest the cost of 2 or 3 fancy coffees with Italian names into something that may truly take you from 'making a living' to 'making a difference'... I double dog dare you! 

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So there it is - now take the challenge and read it - it will do wonders for your spirit and soul!  If you can't find it locally, you can get it at Amazon:
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Peace & blessings...